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Year: 2024 Number: 2
dergi kapak görseli
ISSN (Print)3023-4697
ISSN (Online)3023-7157
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Spelling Rules

Articles in the Journal of Health Sciences and Technologies (SABITEK) are published in Turkish or English. Turkish articles should be easy to understand, written in clear Turkish, the integrity of the Turkish language should be preserved, and the articles should comply with the rules of the Turkish Language Association. The use of foreign words should be avoided as much as possible, and the Turkish equivalents of foreign words that are widely used in Turkish should be given in parentheses in their first use. Foreign language equivalents of words that are not commonly used in Turkish should be given in parentheses in their first use. Generic (active ingredient) names of drugs should be given as they are read in Turkish instead of their commercial names. English should be clear and error-free.

The following templates should be used when uploading articles to SABITEK:

Cover Page:

Type of article:

Turkish title of the article:

English title of the article:

Author's Name1, Author's Name2, Author's Name3...

1Title, University, Faculty and/or Department name, City-Country, Email

2Title, University, Faculty and/or Department name, City-Country, Email

3Title, University, Faculty and/or Department name, City-Country, Email

Corresponding Author's Name:

Name of the University, Faculty and/or Department, full address, City-Country

Telephone number Corresponding author's telephone number

GSM Mobile phone number of the corresponding author

E-mail: E-mail address of the corresponding author


Is there financial support? If yes, please indicate the source of financial support (must be answered):

Is there any conflict of interest? If yes, please indicate.


Is there a statement of acknowledgement? If yes, please specify.


Main Text of the Article (Research article, Systematic review, Classical review, Meta-analyses, Case report)

Tables, Graphs and Figures

Ethical Declaration Form

Copyright Transfer Form

Numerical data between 1-10 in the text should be indicated in writing, 10 and above should be indicated with numbers. However, numbers at the beginning of sentences should be written in writing. Spelling rules must be followed.

Commas (,) should be placed between the numbers in the findings, tables, English and Turkish abstracts and throughout the text.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication should be written in Microsoft Word programme, on A4 paper size, with a margin of 2.5 cm from each edge of the paper, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font and 12 point font size, justified.

The corresponding author must submit the ETHICS COMMITTEE CONSENT CERTIFICATE with the research study, the Ethical Declaration Form with other studies such as reviews, the document showing the SIMILARITY REPORT (maximum 20% taken from iThenticate) and the Copyright Transfer Form together with the article via the SYSTEM.

The manuscript should be prepared in the order of cover page, abstracts and keywords, main text of the article, references, tables and figures or graphics, with each section starting from a separate page. Research articles, review articles and systematic reviews should not exceed 11 pages and 5000 words (excluding figures, tables, references) in accordance with the spelling rules. Case reports should not exceed 4 pages and 2000 words excluding figures, tables, photographs/schematics (permission must be obtained) and references.

The number of references should not exceed 10 in case reports and 50 in research articles, review articles and systematic reviews. Other manuscripts such as short papers, preliminary reports, observations, letters to the editor, training and miscellaneous should not exceed 1000 words.

Cover Page: The Cover Page should be organised and uploaded as a separate page. The information on the cover page should not be included on other pages. In addition, explanatory information about the article (thesis, project, if any, status of presentation at the congress, etc.), studies presented at any symposium or congress can be published by specifying the name, place and date of the congress. For studies supported by a research institution or fund (BAP, TUBITAK, Ministry of Development, etc.), the name and project number of the organisation providing the support should be indicated. If the study is derived from a thesis, the situation should be stated here and under the heading "other statements" on the cover page.

Turkish Abstract (Structured): The purpose of the study, type of study, findings and discussion should be brief and clearly stated, and headings should not be used. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words at most.

Abstract in English: The English abstract should not exceed 300 words. If the entire article is to be submitted in English, the Turkish abstract should also be included.

Keywords: Keywords should be placed below the Turkish and English abstracts. These words should be compatible with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). They should be listed alphabetically with commas between them and should be at least 3 and at most 5.

In order to establish a standard terminology in keywords and to enable researchers to access articles easily, scientific articles should contain keywords in appropriate number, appropriate quality and standard terminology. Turkish Scientific Terms is a keyword directory containing the Turkish equivalents of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms. When keywords are selected from Turkey Science Terms, both the conformity of the keyword to MeSH terms and the standardisation of its Turkish equivalents are ensured.

Main Text of the Article: Research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses should consist of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations sections. In classical reviews, Introduction, Conclusion and Recommendations sections should be included, and other headings should be determined by the authors according to the structure of the review. Case report should include Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations sections.

Introduction: This is the section in which the research problem is presented, previous studies related to this problem are summarised and the current importance of the research and the purpose of the research are stated. The author(s) should first present what is known about the subject by presenting a good literature review. Then, the author(s) should prove what is not known, i.e. the gap in the literature to be filled and the need for the current study. Subsequently, by explaining why and how the current research will fill the gap in knowledge, the purpose of the research and the research question(s) for descriptive research, hypotheses for experimental research should be given. In a classic review, the introduction should include the rationale for writing the review and the purpose of the review should be written in the last paragraph. In case presentation, the introduction should explain why the case is important and unique and the purpose of the case presentation.

Materials and Method: In this section, the type and design of the research, place and time, population and sample, inclusion-exclusion criteria, data collection tools, data collection process, ethical responsibilities, data analysis should be explained in detail. The subheadings used in this section should not be in bold.

Findings: In this section, the data collected and the results of the analysis of this data are presented. The main findings of the research or statistical data that should be emphasised should be presented in tables or figures/graphs. All data in tables and figures/graphs should not be given in the text, only important points should be emphasised. The same data should not be repeated in figures/graphics and tables. Commas (,) should be placed between the numbers given.

Discussion: Interpretation of the findings and emphasising the results are done in the discussion section. The discussion section should start with a sentence about the main findings of the study. Similarities or contrasts between the findings of the study and the findings of the literature should be explained. New and important aspects of the study and the conclusions drawn from them should be emphasised.

It should be discussed what kind of theoretical and practical implications can be drawn from the findings of the study and how similar studies can be done better by improving them. At the end of the discussion, the limitations (factors that the researchers encountered due to reasons beyond their control, factors that may affect the results of the research) and strengths of the research should be explained.

Conclusion and Recommendations: The conclusions reached according to the research findings should be stated and the contribution to the literature, practice and/or society should also be explained. Necessary recommendations should be made based on the findings. Authors should especially avoid comments and recommendations about general benefits that do not include the data they have obtained.

References: At the end of the article, there should be a bibliography arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors and organised in accordance with APA 7.0 style.

Each work cited in the article should be included in the bibliography, and each work cited in the bibliography should be cited in the text.

The lines after the first line of each item in the bibliography list should start 0.75 cm from the left side.


  1. Tek yazarlı kitap: 
    Kaynakçada: Özdemir, A. (2008). Yönetim bilimlerinde ileri araştırma yöntemleri ve uygulamalar. Beta Yayıncılık.
    Metin içinde: (Özdemir, 2008, s. 107) 
  2. İki yazarlı kitap:
    Kaynakçada: Kara, S. & Aydemir, O. (2014). Finans Matematiği için püf noktalar (2. bs). ABC Yayınları.
    Metin içinde: (Kara & Aydemir, 2014, s. 112) 
  3. İkiden çok yazarlı kitap:
    Kaynakçada: Koçyiğit, M., Tekel, E. & Karadağ, E. (2018). Eğitimde ahlâk ve etik. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
    Metin içinde: (Koçyiğit vd., 2018, s. 286) 
  4. Kitapta bölüm:
    Kaynakçada: Aktay, S. (2015). Teknoloji destekli fen bilimleri öğretimi. İçinde Ş. S. Anagün & N. Duban (Eds.), Fen Bilimleri Öğretimi (ss. 425-454). Anı Yayıncılık.
    Metin içinde: (Aktay, 2015, s. 426). 
  5. Editörlü kitap:
    Kaynakçada: Kesharwani, P. (Ed.). (2020).Nanotechnology based approaches for tuberculosis treatment. Academic Press.
    Metin içinde: (Kesharwani, 2020, s. 123)


  1. Single author article:
    In the bibliography: Aydınözü, D. (2010). Vegetation cycle in Thrace and precipitation in this cycle. Kastamonu Journal of Education, 18(1), 227-232.
    In the text: (Aydınözü, 2010, p. 229)
  2. Article with two authors:
    In the bibliography: Şimşek, A., & Bal, M. S. (2010). Examining pre-service teachers' perceptions of historical time through history strip. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 1(1), 124-151.
    In text: (Şimşek & Bal, 2010, p. 135)
  3. More than one work by the same author:
    If more than one work of the same author published in the same year is used in the article, the works are sorted as a,b,c.
    In the bibliography: Gregory, A.W., & Hansen, B.E. (1996a). Residual-based tests for cointegration in models with regime shifts. Journal of Econometrics, 70(1), 1-26. 
    In text: (Gregory & Hansen, 1996a, p. 22) 
    In the bibliography: Gregory, A. W., & Hansen, B. E. (1996b). Tests for cointegration in models with regime and trend shifts. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 58(3), 555-559.
    In text: (Gregory & Hansen, 1996b, p. 198)

Translation Works

In the bibliography: Gujarati, D.N. (2011). Basic econometrics (Şenesen and G. G. Şenesen, Trans.).


In text: (Gujarati, 2011, p. 120)


In the bibliography: Koçyiğit, M. (2011). University students' causal attributions and learning styles [Unpublished master's thesis]. Afyon Kocatepe University. In text: (Koçyiğit, 2011, p. 75)

Official, Private Publications, Reports, etc. with unknown authors.

In the bibliography: MONE (2012). Primary Science and Technology textbook. Directorate of State Books.

In the text: (MoNE, 2012, p. 65).

Papers Presented at Symposiums, Congresses, etc.

In the bibliography: Ulu, M., & Peker, M. (2008). Comparison of problem solving strategies of classroom teacher, pre-service teacher and 5th grade students. VIII. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu.

Archive Documents

The following basic citation format is used for different types of archival documents and collections: Author, A. A. (Year, Day Month). Name/title of the material. [Description of the material]. Collection name (Place number, Box number, File name or number, etc.). Repository/archive name, Location.

Ex: Algerian and Tunisian Credit Institution. (1924, 29 April). Regarding information about the money transferred by the organisation to the HA's account and a request for a receipt (Box No. 17, Document No. 61). Turkish Red Crescent Archive, Ankara.

Internet Sources

In the bibliography: Aktay, S. (2010, 10 July). How the Internet works. Internet Nedir. In text: (Aktay, 2010)

Tables, Graphs and Figures: Tables and Figures

Tables and Figures should be placed in the text and should be numbered. The sources from which the Tables and Figures are taken should be indicated as Source: .........................

Table number and title (Times New Roman, 10 pt.) should be placed above the table as follows:

Table 1

Title of the table

Figure number and title (Times New Roman, 10 pt.) should be arranged below the figure as follows:

Figure 1. Cultural adaptation process.

Table 1

Demographic Characteristics of Participant Teachers


4. Class

8. Class




















Education Level

Postgraduate graduate

Bachelor's degree  

Associate Degree 

















Figures should either be professionally drawn and photographed or submitted digitally in photo quality. In addition to the versions of the figures suitable for printing, electronic files should be sent in electronic versions such as JPEG or GIF in formats that will create high-resolution images, and authors should check the image quality of these files on the computer screen before submission. If a previously published figure is to be used, a document showing that permission has been obtained from the individual holding the right to publish should be uploaded to the system).

Abbreviations and Symbols: All abbreviations should be in acceptable standards, unnecessary abbreviations should be avoided, and all abbreviations should be explained in parentheses in the first place they appear in the text. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title. The units of measurement used to indicate length, weight, temperature, etc. in the articles should be abbreviated in accordance with the international unit system, and all should be given in the metric system.

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