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Year: 2024 Number: 2
dergi kapak görseli
ISSN (Print)3023-4697
ISSN (Online)3023-7157
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Code of Ethics and Principles

The Journal of Health Sciences and Technologies is committed to ensuring that the articles it publishes meet the highest ethical and scientific standards and do not have commercial concerns. In this context, the editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped according to the guidelines of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the Council of Science Editors (CSE), and the Committee on Publication. The Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE) and National Information Standards Organization (NISO), Journal, Transparency Principles and Best Practice in Scientific Publishing (Directory of Open Access

Publications with plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism are not evaluated. During the file upload process, authors are required to submit the similarity report obtained by using an appropriate plagiarism program (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) together with other files. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% are considered plagiarized and rejected.

The scientific and legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the author(s). The opinions and suggestions in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. The editorial board of the journal cannot be held responsible. Manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere before or submitted to another journal for publication at the same time. For each article, authors must fill out the Copyright Transfer Form and send it to the journal together with the article. The submitted article must have direct academic-scientific contribution of all authors whose names are indicated on the copyright transfer form. The names of authors other than those whose signatures are on the copyright transfer form cannot be added, the order of authors cannot be changed, and the names of any of the authors cannot be removed.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences faculty members and staff are natural members of the advisory board. Manuscripts can also be sent to referees outside Üsküdar University. Articles that are candidates for publication are sent to the referees without specifying the names of the authors and their opinions are taken. Manuscripts are reviewed by the referees, especially in terms of scientific accuracy, content, organization and language. Referee suggestions can be received from the author

The Editorial Board has the authority to return the manuscripts that do not comply with the publication conditions to the author for correction, shortening, formatting or editing, or not to publish them. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are not returned whether they are published or not. All kinds of publication/copyright rights of the articles accepted for publication belong to the Journal of Health Sciences and Technologies. Open access policy is adopted in the journal and no fee is charged during the application, evaluation and publication stages.

Journal of Health Sciences and Technologies is the official publication organ of Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences. All rights of the articles belong to the journal after publication. It cannot be copied, photocopied, duplicated, printed or reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the editor and without reference.


The journal's publication processes aim at the impartial and reputable development and dissemination of knowledge. It is important that all stakeholders in the process (editors, reviewers, authors, researchers and readers) adhere to standards of ethical principles. 

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

The editorial board is responsible for the publication of the articles sent to the Journal of Health Sciences and Technologies for publication and the processes that follow. The editorial board acts impartially and with the public interest in mind when making decisions about the journal and the published articles. They are committed to independent editorial decision-making. The editorial board pays attention to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles.

The editorial board ensures that the articles are evaluated by experts in the field. They pay attention to whether there is a conflict of interest between the referees sent to evaluate the article and the authors. Field editors should not have any personal and/or financial interest in the articles to which they are assigned. The editor who is on the author list of a submitted article is excluded from the evaluation process of that article. The editorial board does not disclose information about blind reviewing, the evaluation process, authors and reviewers to either party. When authors request information about the status of their manuscripts, the blind review process 
information about the status of the article is given without damaging it.

Submission and acceptance dates are published in the articles. The editorial board strives to develop the journal and improve its publication quality.

Responsibilities of Referees

Journal of Health Sciences and Technologies is conducted with the principle of two-way blind reviewing. In this system, the referees do not communicate directly with the authors, and the referees send the article evaluation forms, notes on the text and correction requests to the authors through the editors via the journal management system. Reviewers are only sent articles related to their areas of expertise. However, if the selected consultant thinks that the research in the article is not related to their area of expertise, or if they feel that they are not qualified to evaluate this article, or if they cannot evaluate the article on time, they should notify the relevant editor and exit the evaluation process. Reviewers are obliged to keep the information about the manuscript confidential and should evaluate the manuscript objectively and impartially. When reviewers realize that there is a conflict of interest, they should refuse to evaluate the article and inform the relevant editor. They should not allow race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, political beliefs and commercial concerns to influence the evaluation, and should make decisions only by evaluating the scientific aspects of the article. Referees should use academic and constructive language while evaluating the manuscripts and avoid insulting personal comments. Referees should send their opinions on the articles they accept for evaluation to the relevant editor within the deadline given to them. 

Author(s) Responsibilities

The scientific content and compliance with ethical rules are the responsibility of the authors. Ethics committee approval is required for all survey, observation, interventional research articles conducted on humans or animals, and it should also be stated that consent is obtained from the participants and that institutional permission is available. In all studies involving "human beings", the Declaration of Helsinki Principles should be followed, and in the presence of such studies, the authors should state that they conducted the study in accordance with these principles and that they have ethical responsibilities (ethics committee approval, date and number, institutional permission, informed consent from the participants) in the material and method section of the article. If the "Animal" element is used in the study, the authors should declare in the materials and methods section of the article that they have protected animal rights in their studies in accordance with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and that they have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions. In case reports, the identity of the patient should be kept confidential, it should be stated that informed consent has been obtained and it should be written in accordance with patient privacy. 

Author(s) are expected to submit original manuscripts to the journal. Similarity reports should be documented using iThenticate ( program. The author(s) should cite the sources used during the writing of the article in accordance with ethical principles. If the article contains quoted articles, tables, figures previously published in books or journals, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and authors of the relevant articles, tables and figures and indicate this in the article. The author(s) should be ready to provide information and raw data about the manuscripts to the editor when requested. 

Authors should be the individuals who directly performed and wrote the work. Each individual listed as an author must meet the authorship criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE - If there are contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria, they should be mentioned in the acknowledgments section. If the editorial board suspects a case of "gift authorship", the article will be rejected without further review. Articles submitted for publication should not be requested to change the order of authorship, add or remove authors. Authors submitting articles to the journal should have ORCID numbers (

All manuscripts submitted for publication must disclose any situations and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any. If there is a direct-indirect commercial link in the article or an institution providing financial support for the study, the authors should state on the cover page that they have no commercial relationship with the commercial product, drug, company, etc. used and what kind of relationship (consultant, other agreements), if any.

Studies should not be submitted to more than one journal at the same time. They should not submit a study published in another journal to the Journal of Health Sciences and Technologies.

Indexes; the indexes where the journal is indexed will be written
Submit Article; there will be a system to enable article submission

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