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Araştırma Makalesi
Lisans Öğrencileri Arasında Çoklu Zeka Türlerinin Araştırılması: Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Odyoloji Bölümü ve İletişim Fakültesi Örneği
Study of multiple intelligence types among undergraduate students: The case of the Faculty of Health Sciences Audiology Department and the Faculty of Communication
Yıl: 2024 , Sayı: 2 , Sayfalar: 1 - 8
  • Abstract
  • Özet
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The theory of multiple intelligences suggests that people have different learning abilities. According to this theory, individuals should be evaluated in a total of 8 intelligence areas: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical-rhythmic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal-social, personal-intrapersonal, naturalist-existentialist. The aim of our study is to determine and compare the dominant intelligence types of students in the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Communication. The study included 100 students aged 22-27 who were admitted to the university with a numerical score type and who were 4th year students in the Audiology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences, and 100 students aged 23-27 who were admitted to the university with a verbal score type and who were 4th year students in the Faculty of Communication.  The logical-mathematical intelligence scores of the students in Audiology of the Faculty of Health Sciences were higher than those of the students of the Faculty of Communication (p<0,01). When evaluating each faculty within each faculty, the interpersonal intelligence of the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences is better than the verbal-linguistic intelligence, the logical-mathematical intelligence, the visual-spatial intelligence and the musical-rhythmical intelligence (p<0,05). Communication students' logical-mathematical intelligence was worse than all other types of intelligence (p<0,05). Their interpersonal intelligence was better than their visual-spatial, musical-rhythmic and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences (p<0,05). In this study, the Faculty of Communication was found to be the faculty with the least similarity to the Faculty of Audiology in terms of course content, according to the University's exemption standards, and the intelligence potential of the students was examined and the types of intelligence were compared. The significant results obtained in the comparisons suggest that these differences may be due to the theoretical and practical training given over 4 years and the emphasis placed on field placements in the final year.

2025 © Tüm Hakları Saklıdır. Sağlık Bilimleri Teknoloji Dergisi